Sunday, February 24, 2013


I don't know if anyone elses' ball pythons do this, but mine seem to sync their shed cycles together. Last month, my three sub adults all shed within a couple of days of each other. Now, two have just gone "clear" as of today and one shed overnight. Strange? I also had a corn snake shed last night as well. I don't notice the syncing so much with them. However, they pretty much shed like clockwork so I can predict when to look for sheds. It's hard to tell if some of them are in blue because of their color. My snow motley and my hypo lavender can be tricky.

It's pretty convenient because it saves on the food bill that week. I try not to feed them in shed. I will usually offer food in the beginning stages of blue, but never after that. The one who just shed ate her meal like a champ on Tuesday, the other two refused. So, as soon as they leave me some pretty skin, they will have the opportunity to eat food that's been sitting in my closet all week.

The one I'm really waiting to shed is my big girl Tabitha.

She's been locking and building lately. She was bred to a black pastel since October 1st and has been locking consistently with my lesser male since then. She's glowing (in that picture...for a before check out my other blog posts - she's in them!) and looking a little bit lumpy. I hoping to catch a pre-ov shed form her soon. She shed February 4th and before that on January 1. I'm always opening her tub to check for blue or eggs (in case I missed her ovy!).

Have a good evening, readers!

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