I know I've been horrible about writing blog entries lately, but school is keeping me very, very busy!
However, as the semester is coming to a close, I find myself opening Tabitha's tub at least three times a day looking for her ovulation! She's been paired since October, eating like a monster, and showing some signs of building. However, I want her to ovulate! I've got the incubator running and an egg tub ready to go but I need her to give me some eggs before I can use any of those things!
In other news, Charlotte is slamming food. If you've been following my blogs, you'll remember that Charlotte was my "mouser" turned monster. She eats anything and everything as long as it moves (she's not a huge fan of F/T). She ate a small rat about four days ago and decided she was still hungry and ate another. No, this is not common practice for me! I found a new rodent supplier (goodbye $4 smalls!) so I stocked up o n 5 smalls to feed to my collection. I had two mediums already in my leftover tank. So, I fed those to my breeding girls who chowed down. Then I fed three of the five to the others. Only Charlotte ate. With 4 leftover rats in my small tank, they terrorized it! Wanting to get rid of my extras, I offered my building females more. Tabitha refused (good sign?) and Bella didn't hesitate. Wanting to get rid of more, I offered to Charlotte who attacked in no time! So that's 2 down...2 to go.
Not much else happening. I'm still considering selling Charlotte as well as most of my corn collection. I think I want to focus on my ball pythons. However, I can't seem to lock away the desire to hatch out a corn clutch or two. It might just turn out that I keep one breeding pair.
Another thing that's itchy is my desire for a pair of boas and hognoses. DARN IT. I NEED A REPTILE ROOM. My bedroom just isn't big enough for all the thins I want to keep! Maybe after nursing school. I can wait a year, can't I?